Warlon laminated shoji papers are Japanese rice papers with a plastic vinyl resin laminated on each side. It's very durable and is washable. The paper images were taken on a dark grey background to highlight the paper's texture and translucency. 2.0 mm Warlon Acrylic is special order only. To order supplies send us an email or fill out the order form. I'll work up an order with shipping and send you a Square invoice to pay from. Information on shipping charges is on the order form. Warlon Paper Sale - see below - limited quantites available
White Warlon Laminated Shoji paper
Translucent white paper with some silky fibers. 1.0 mm 0.45 mm 0.3 mm
Opaque White Warlon Laminated Shoji Paper
A more opaque paper with no silky fibers. 1.0 mm 'Let's free up some room' sale 0.3 mm
Waterfall Warlon Laminated Shoji Paper
Translucent with vertical waterfall or rain lines. 1.0 mm Cursor over image for close-up
Bamboo Warlon Laminated Shoji Paper
1.0 mm 'Let's free up some room' sale Cursor over image for close-up
Amber Warlon Laminated Shoji Paper
A more opaque paper with no silky fibers. 1.0 mm 'Let's free up some room' sale
Kinwashi Warlon Laminated Shoji Paper
Translucent amber paper with short cropped amber fibers. 1.0 mm Cursor over image for close-up
Chiri Warlon Laminated Shoji Paper
A more opaque paper full of fiber 'bits' added for color and texture. 1.0 mm Cursor over image for close-up Ebony shoji door pull Lipped 'faux' Rosewood shoji door pull Japanese Cherry shoji door pull
Double stick tape
Used to attach the Warlon shoji papers to kumiko (gridwork). Warlon Tape How to apply Warlon tape pdf